
Thursday, August 13, 2015

Baby Onepiece and Bodysuit Obsession

Since finding out we're expecting, I couldn't help but start obsessing over sweet little baby clothes! I love seeing babies in soft stretchy clothing, opposed to jeans and real pants/shirts or structured real clothes. I love when babies are so cozy and comfy in the softest little outfits. Here are just a few that I have eyed depending upon if baby Hobson comes out a boy or a girl!

These are just a few examples! I'm also obsessed with leggings for both boys and girls. I love a little diaper bum and chubby legs!

This waiting game sure is hard, but it's also keeping me from going crazy and buying tons of unnecessary gender specific things. We have a handful of plain and gender neutral onesies. Plus with baby arriving a month before Christmas, I can foresee tons of baby clothes boxes under the tree this year!


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