
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Baby Hobson

Well, as I'm sure everyone has seen on facebook or instagram, but, we're expecting! Baby Hobson is due November 24, 2015. I figured I'd try my best to document my pregnancy here, so I can gather all of my thoughts and memories in one place and be able to reflect back in the future.

So, where shall we begin...

Let's go back to March 14, 2015. I woke up and had thought that the day before good ol' Aunt Flo should have arrived. We were planning on going out for dinner and drinks for our friend Justin's birthday that night, and something compelled me to take a test. So I took a test, and placed it on the counter. I wasn't sure how long I had to wait, so I literally watched the control line appear and basically at the same time, the positive line appeared too. I was completely shocked! We hadn't been trying, and we hadn't been preventing.. and well, ready or not, baby Hobson is on his or her way!

(the bottom one was taken first. The top one was at some point later that afternoon to confirm I was indeed knocked up!) 

Telling Wayne was fun. I didn't have anything special planned but did a quick pinterest search and came up with the following little sign:

I had some pain in my lower right groin about a week after finding out. My initial appointment was scheduled for April 9th. This pain was isolated and consistent for more than 12 hours, so I figured I should call and make an appointment just to be checked out. At the appointment my doctor didn't think it was really much to be worried about, but scheduled me for an ultrasound to be sure that baby was in the right spot and to rule out a cyst.

A week later the pain had stopped and I finally had my first ultrasound appointment.We kept it just to be sure that all was right at that time.

Here is the first picture of our little munchkin!

The first appointment went fine. Was a ton of medical questions and history. Reviewed a ton of info with the midwife I met with, and then was sent on my way with our first ultrasound two weeks later on Wayne's birthday.

It was so hard to keep this a secret! At first we were set on waiting the recommended 12-13 weeks before telling anyone, but it was getting hard as we were so excited.

Our first ultrasound was great! We went on the day I turned 9 weeks. It was so insane to see this little gummy bear moving! Baby measured 1 inch and looked right on target for our due date of 11/24/15. We got to hear the heartbeat too, a strong 171 bpm! It was such a surreal experience.

(Yes, our child is upside down here! Haha)

Since then, we've had one more ultrasound appointment, our first trimester screening, at 13 weeks. Back up, we decided not to find out the sex of the baby. I had the Verifi blood test done at 10 weeks to check for chromosomal abnormalities, the tests came back with all good results. At our NT scan, the tech had our blood test results in front of her and thankfully, she asked "Do you guys want to know the sex of the baby?" to which we both quickly responded "NO!". It was insane to know that on a piece of paper 5 feet from me, would be the gender of our little gummy bear! But regardless, it doesn't matter and we were so excited to see how different baby looked.

In 4 weeks baby grew 2 inches! He or she had his hands either by or in his or her mouth most of the time. Baby was rolling around in there too! Even flipped onto its tummy for a while. But all in all, the appointment went great, and baby looked great. The heartbeat was 156.

(Look at that sweet hand in his or her mouth!)

Telling our families was the most exciting part. We told them on Wayne's birthday cake. It was hysterical as most people don't pay attention to what the cake says. Both our families didn't realize at first, and once they did, were over the moon with excitement! 

So that's where we will end for now! I've been taking the weekly chalkboard pictures, so I'll start updating with that and all the (or lack there of) symptoms and details. I'm currently 16 weeks so there's quite a bit of catching up to do. 

Stay tuned for more on Baby Hobson!