
Monday, September 19, 2016

Life Lately

1. Riley // She is currently 9.5 months and such a little personality! She is crawling all over the place and pulling to stand. We are working on introducing finger foods and she is cutting her 2nd tooth. She is sleeping great, growing like a weed and so much fun! I am pretty sure I spend my days just trying to get those little giggles out of her, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

2. Fall // the first day of fall is right around the corner and I am so ready for it. This summer was way too hot and humid. Our temps were always in the 90's I feel like. I have been loving these high 70's and breezy days. They are my favorite. We came up with a fun bucket list for the fall. Hoping we can check all of these fun things off our list!

3. Halloween // With fall comes Halloween! I am a busy bee starting to gather all the stuff for Riley's Halloween costume! What will she bee, you ask? Well.. I dropped two hints in the last two sentences! A bumble bee! It was inspired by the bee filter on snapchat which was the BEST filter ever, RIP bee. (snapchat if you're reading this, please bring it back!). I am going to make her costume! Store bought costumes are cute and all, but I am hoping to bring that homemade feel back. Plus, she's so little and it is usually pretty cold around here on Halloween for a baby, so this way I can incorporate long sleeves and pants into her costume with out it looking funny. Very excited to see my little bee all dressed up!

4. Supper Club //  We have started a supper club with a few of our best friends, and we are hosting our first event! It is this Saturday night. We are working on our menu and I have to go shopping this week. Should be fun!

5. Vacations // We took two fun vacations this past month. We went to Ocean City, NJ for a few days, and over Labor Day Weekend we flew down to the Keys for the long weekend. We had a great time with family and a ton of laughs. Riley did great aside from sleeping in the pack and play a night. She wasn't a huge fan of it for bedtime, but did nap in it well. Other than that she really was a champ.

6. Work Work Work // Wayne has been busy working, I have been busy with my etsy shop (link here), and now we are gearing up for the fall holiday photo season, so I am working on a bunch of sessions and getting ready for Christmas sessions too. Time flies so fast once you become an adult.

That's what's new around here! Hope everyone had a great summer and is enjoying the kick off to fall!


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