
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

29 Weeks

How far along: 29 weeks (September 8-September 14)
Gender Prediction: Thinking boy this week!
Weight gain: Striking this category from the posts for now. haha. It is what it is!
Maternity clothes: Oh yes. I've tried to squeeze into a few non maternity shirts, but they end up looking funny. Living in my maternity jeans and tees. Thankfully my job is casual enough to be able to wear jeans and tees and not have to buy all new work clothes.
Sleep: Not too bad this week. Been super tired and found myself in bed earlier than normal, but I wake up feeling rested. It's the mid morning and afternoon slump that are totally getting to me.
Best moment this week: Our crib is supposed to arrive this Friday! Hopefully this one is in good condition!
Miss anything:  A turkey club!
Movement: Tons.
Symptoms: Thinking this belly button is going to be completely flat at some point in the next week or two.And just feeling exhausted in general. I got back my blood results from the gestational diabetes test, which were negative for gd, but my iron levels are low so my docs want me to increase my red meat and leafy green vegetables intake. This could be part of the reason for the exhaustion, I'm not sure how much because growing a baby is hard work, but I look forward to a few burgers and a nice juicy steak in my future!
Cravings: Nesquick Chocolate Milk and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Looking forward to: Our crib, and working more on the nursery! 

What is your guess, boy or girl?!


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