
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

25 Weeks

How far along: 25 weeks (August 11-August 17)
Gender Prediction: Feeling boy again this week. But I did switch back to girl a few times!
Weight gain: Oy, 20 lbs so far. Time to lay off the ice cream.
Maternity clothes: I am obsessed with these Liz Lange V-Neck Maternity Tees. Just ordered more online!
Sleep: Pretty good. Using my maternity pillow and trying to stay on my left side.
Best moment this week: Our glider was delivered! And hearing baby H's heartbeat at my check up on Friday. It was in the 150's!
Miss anything: Pepperoni.
Movement: Kicks, punches, and some hiccups!
Symptoms: This week I have finally met swollen ankles. Oy vey! Thinking it may be related to a bit of dehydration. Trying to chug water like it's my job.
Cravings: Oreo's...and lots of them.
Looking forward to: Crossing more things off our to do list!

  Here's a few pictures from the past week.
Here's our glider all set up! 

Went on a date for our favorite pizza, Cheeseburger Pizza! So delish.

Had a little cuddle sesh with my favorite fur baby. 

'Nuff said. :)

We took my dad to a Met's game over the weekend. It was so hot out, but thankfully we had some cloud cover, and even got hit with a random thunderstorm. The rain helped to cool us down. Unfortunately they lost. 


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