
Monday, July 13, 2015

17 Weeks

How far along: 17 weeks(June 16-22)
Gender: It's a Baby!
Weight gain: 7 lbs at my last drs apt on the 16th.
Maternity clothes: Picked up a few things from Motherhood Maternity over the weekend. Maternity underwear, who heard of such a thing, and that you would need such a thing!
Sleep: A little tossing and turning, this whole sleeping on the side thing is not my favorite. Doing my best to stay off my back, but keep finding myself there.
Best moment this week: I went through all of our clothes in our house. The winter stuff, the summer stuff, the work stuff, all of it. And I'm getting rid of almost a full sized bed full of piles of old clothes, if that makes sense. I've held onto so many things for so long thinking "oh I'll wear this one day." and I never do. So, it was finally the perfect time to purge all of that stuff. The winter stuff is now up in the attic and I have officially moved over into the master closet.
Worst moment this week: Wayne hasn't been to the gym in a few weeks due to his back, and when he went Friday morning, his gym bag, and keys were stolen. So frustrating. Luckily I had taken the day off of work for some "me" time. We had to do a bunch of running around for new keys, new locks, and new work shoes! ugh.
Miss anything: Sleeping on my stomach. I still kind of can, but am trying not to.
Movement: Yes, still feeling more taps and pops!
Cravings: A hot fudge sundae. 
Symptoms: Not much this week.
Looking forward to: Getting some more progress going in the nursery.


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