How far along: 31 weeks (September 22-September 28)
Gender Prediction: Half and half this week!
Weight gain: I didn't gain anything between weeks 28 and 30 which was nice. But I was weighed in the ER after a car accident on Saturday the 26th (more to come on this eventually), and I'm up another 2 lbs. On another note, let's talk about how different my belly looks from morning when I wake up, to evening. I swear it looks like I'm 3x bigger! Hence, this photo up top. I took picture the next morning and my belly looks completely different. It's wild. You can find it down below.
Maternity clothes: Needing to purchase a few plain tanks to wear with sweaters. The fall temps are approaching.
Sleep: Amazing last week! We had the windows wide open and the breeze was so nice. I found myself sleeping solidly from 10ish - 4ish. I even slept one night with out getting up to pee. Score!
Best moment this week:I guess I kind of skipped over my shower because I'm behind on these posts. I'm always posting a week later. But, my shower was amazing last week! As well as getting my mom car!
Miss anything: Sleeping on my stomach, shaving with out performing some sort of yoga move.
Movement: Tons. It really is probably the best part of pregnancy. I love feeling this little babe in there rolling around, stretching, playing. It really is such an amazing feeling!
Symptoms: Feet/calf swelling. I'm also experiencing what is not exactly heart burn, but is a general light discomfort after eating or when laying down. Almost feels like I have to burp, but I don't. Nothing I've had to take tums for yet either, but I just feel something there. So weird. And just overall exhaustion.
Cravings: Jelly donuts for sure, Chocolate milk or milkshakes, and coffee crumb cake! Oh my!
Looking forward to: Organizing the nursery! I'm really on a mission to start to wash sweet little baby things and find everything a home! It was a crazy task after our baby shower to sort through everything, but I did it! Working on putting things where it makes the most sense for them to be.. I've been searching pinterest for nursery organization.
So you heard me mention getting into an accident above. First let's just celebrate having my new mom car for a little bit first before we talk about the downfall of it.
And the picture of my bump the next morning after I took the chalkboard photo above... It's insane how different I look from morning to night!!