sure everyone is with me on this one, but how the heck is it November
already? Cannot believe that the holidays are now upon us and it’s
almost 2015! I can’t believe it, yet
I’m more excited than ever. Let’s start with a Halloween recap, shall
weekends ago we had our annual pumpkin carving party. We head up to the
local farm and go pumpkin picking. They have a Unicef festival,
complete with all you can carry pumpkins
for $35.00. Of course the boys were up to the challenge.
Here’s Wayne,
who was given 3rd most impressive of the day!
A man and his competitive spirit.
There's 7 pumpkins in there - somewhere!!
it was onto the carving! I got two pumpkins, but only ended up carving
my little one, a paw print for Mr. Mack! Wayne randomly chose to carve
Phineas, or Ferb is it?
Mr. Mack looking so festive in his candy corn bandana!
He said he wanted to dress up, so we agreed.
Halloween was great! I loved having it on a Friday
so we could actually celebrate on the day. Wayne and I dressed as,
Wayne and Garth from Wayne’s World! We have used face paint
quite a few times in the past, and I definitely put the kibosh on that
this year. I didn’t want to have to worry about touching my face, my
hair sticking to it, etc, so facepaint was off limits. We agreed on
Wayne and Garth and it was a great compromise.
actually had most of the costume already. There is no shortage of
flannels in our house, so that was all set, and I had some old ripped
jeans from college when they were in style. A white t-shirt and a black
t-shirt, and we just needed the accessories! I made
the hat since we didn’t want to buy one for $25.00 and never wear it
again. I got a plain black hat from the craft store, cut out a stencil
of the logo, filled it in with chalk, and painted over it with white
fabric paint! It actually was pretty easy and I
think it came out perfect for a mere $3.00! We did have to get wigs to
pull off the hair. I had a hard time finding one for Wayne, we went with
a long dark straight wig and just cut it to the shoulders. It was a
little… crooked and looked more like a bob haircut,
but what can ya do! My wig I originally got was a blonde wig with bangs
from Amazon. We were planning on doing the same, cutting it short and
then teasing it. Well, the wig was a white haired Lady Gaga wig and not
blonde at all, so.. that didn’t work. We tried
it on Mack for a laugh, (photo above). My hair isn’t quite brown, and isn’t quite
blonde, but light enough, so we agreed that just teasing it would be
best. Add in a borrowed pair of fake glasses, and may I present to you
Wayne and Garth!

What did everyone dress up as? Hope you all had a great time! Looking forward to next year with Halloween being a Saturday! Oh that will be fun!
now, here we are with the skeletons and some pumpkins packed away,
thinking about Thanksgiving décor. I have quite a few small orange
pumpkins left. I’ve been thinking about
painting them white and going with a white/gold/neutral theme for
Thanksgiving. Time to get brainstorming!